Ateliers d'Artistes de Belleville » expositions-aab » Exposition Destruction et création

Kseniya Oudenot

Destruction et création 


Exhibition from june 2, 2022 to june 12, 2022

Open thursday to sunday, from 2 pm to 7 pm

Galerie des AAB, 1 rue Francis Picabia, Paris 20e (map)


“These works created in 2019 reflect on the destruction, grief and painful memories, and are very relevant in the views of the current events.

My country is currently at war, and the destruction is affecting families and cities on a scale never imagined before.


These wall sculptures are covered in crushed rocks and black sand. They resemble burnt paper, and the process of burning something as a symbolic gesture in order to release the past, heal and let the negative emotions go.


Made of volcanic ash, sand, plastic and acrylic. These cathartic works have a dark, emotive look. They capture the need to let go of the broken past and leave certain memories behind in order to move on.”

Kseniya Oudenot

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